Wednesday, September 18, 2013

iOS 7.0

Hello! Guys guys guys. I've been waiting for this!! No not really. I'm just glad it's finally out! My phone has been updating for like an our now and it's stressing me out. But you know what? This update better be worth it. That's all I'm saying.

Also I have biology homework to do. Ugh. Well not homework as in work, but homework as in read the whole chapter. Which is ridiculous. That's high school life for ya. 

OH and I finished my book! WOOHOO!! #ITWASFABWHATEVEN ( hashtag it was fab what even) yeah. That's been my life: waiting for iOS7 to upload, reading, and biology. Living the life right there. *cue voice dripping with sarcasm*

So I guess I'll include how I'm feeling about speed of this phone update. .

yeah. .not so good.
xoxo, katie

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